I'm not unemployed anymore - I actually have a very fabulous job as a preschool teacher with the University of Michigan child care centers. But I'm still posting, albeit a little more irregularly, and I don't want to ignore the personal progress I've made since starting this blog by renaming it.

Blog inspiration: I read 48 States in 48 Days by Paul Jury in the summer of 2011. It was fabulous...although he planned way less for his roadtrip than I would have. And at the same time, my lovely Anna was constantly reminding me that our lives were awesome, despite the fact that we didn't have job prospects, new cars, boyfriends/husbands, houses, etc., like so many people we knew. So, in an effort to appreciate my life and the crazy uncertainty that it is, I started writing this blog about the little adventures I have. (And by "writing a blog," I mean "making a list" because I make lists, not narratives.) Even if there isn't a BIG adventure that happens every day, I try to find at least one thing to list :)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Palace of the Czar

I hate when electronics/appliances/computers/etc. start working as soon as the person you searched out to fix it comes to help you...the Wesley Woods Wifi rejected my computer all day yesterday and today until Jeremy (with his 3 kids in tow) came to look at it and then it magically worked. Rude.

Honestly, I am so far loving program staff. I have a lot to do this week, and I did a lot of planning for the week, but here are the perks so far:

  • It is my JOB this week to make lists, tell people what to do, and organize stuff! AHH so much fun.
  • I get to experience how generous our staff are with their time, skills and resources.
  • I feel very needed; that what I'm doing is an important part of making camp run smoothly. I loved being a counselor, but that job doesn't get as much recognition and genuine thanks as it deserves sometimes and it can be wearing.
  • I have my own room with air conditioning! (It was definitely the hang out yesterday.)
  • I get to drive the golf cart.
  • Troy is turning into a great partner. Mostly because he "lets" me do the organizing (which, let's face it, I love because everyone else would do it wrong ;)) and I "let" him do the yelling/dramatizing/etc., which he loves. And he does what I ask him to do. And he's named me the Czar :)
  • Even though I won’t get super close with a small group of campers, I do get to interact with ALL of them. I'm hoping to learn everyone's names, just like every other year. Plus, I still have adventure groups.
I did a little programming stuff at LL and liked it, but I wanted to hold off my opinion until my "true" program staff experience this week...so far so good :) There are still things that frustrate me about being here in general, but I'm trying to stay positive. I do feel a lot of support within the staff, I know a lot of people at home that are thinking of me/us this week, and I KNOW God is here - He's the one who's made it so great thus far.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Ain't That Good News

  • I got the job at the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum! The hours aren't consistent and I won't get to be back in Kalamazoo this year :( But the experience will be good, I can still do Farmington and I won't be in Kansas :)
  • I was also asked to interview for the Tutor Time center in Canton, and set it up for after band camp. Maybe that will work out too?
  • I called Kansas to follow up with my interview. The principal was very nice and said he hadn't called me yet because somewhere between my interview and him calling my references, the job was offered to someone else (I'm guessing, internally) and they were waiting for that person's response. I told him that even if he had called me, I would have told him I couldn't take it this year. He said thanks for my understanding and that my references spoke very highly of me. I asked him to keep my resume for future job searches, and he said yes and asked me to keep them in mind when I'm searching in the future. Good connection made I think.
  • Nate Karnemaat is going to be my minion at camp next week! So excited :D
  • I saw a Google Street View car today in Ypsi! It had this huge waterproof camera on top and a California license plate. It was so cool! (I love Google, so I'm probably way more excited than I should be, but I don't care.)
  • Watching Lady Gaga on SYTYCD, especially on Wednesday, reminded me of my new love for her. She's so crazy but she seems so real too and she has real thoughts and ideas about stuff; her critique of the dancers was so authentic and helpful. Plus, her voice is amazing. If I ever had dislike of her before, that's just totally replaced by love now.
(Thanks God!)

    All Alone in my Big Empty Apartment (July 28)

    • My apartment is very empty with no Anna, no Anna's stuff and no PP.
    • Anna's mom is awesome and I love watching Anna's and her relationship. I love my mom and we have a good relationship, but it's also cool to see how other mother/daughters interact.
    • I got 4 job rejection emails today. Good thing I have an interview tomorrow or I'd feel depressed.

    Wednesday, July 27, 2011

    Storm of Stress

    • Anna and I will have matching badass ulcers by the end of the summer. Not pansy ulcers that you can fix with crackers and water. Drug- and/or procedure-requiring ulcers.
    • JoAnn's is THE place to go if you need boxes for packing. They gave us at least 25 and they all have handles!
    • My apartment is so messy. I want to throw things out the window.
    • Also, I have TOO MUCH STUFF. I need a house to put it in. I think I'm a special kind of secret hoarder - no one knows that I keep everything because it's organized and all has a place.

    You Shook Me All Night Long

    • Well, Anna and I decided around 11:30 that we needed to start packing the apartment (we actually decided this earlier in the day but forgot until later...). So we ventured to Starbucks, (in all likelihood) scared some U of M students with our blaring Backstreet Boys karaoke, came home and got started. It's now 5 a.m. I packed 7 boxes in the office...and, honestly (and unfortunately), it doesn't look like I did much. Oh, packing. Anna was Wonder Woman and decided to sort my huge collection of recyclables. She's amazing. I'm not sure whether I'm going to go to bed now or do more stuff and wait for nap time later...At least we know we are still capable of pulling all-nighters :)

    Tuesday, July 26, 2011

    Creative by Anna

    My lovely Anna's blog :)

    Voices of Old People

    • I have an interview at the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum on Friday! I'm kind of excited for it - the job would be a great and unique way to gain teaching experience this year without actually having my own classroom. Getting this job wouldn't solve all my problems but it would be helpful.
    • NBC's "Making a Difference" campaign story tonight was about a 100-year-old man who is still practicing medicine. He sees patients regularly, has 3 children and also plays the violin. His advice to people was to fall in love and get married, have lots of sex, and (if you have them) make children a priority. His wife is still alive (and is as adorable as he is) and they just celebrated their 70th anniversary. I want to be them.

    Monday, July 25, 2011

    Is It Just a Game?

    • I got my send-away vodka rebate today!
    • Anna and I passed a group of Indian guys playing a game. Once we passed them, I asked, "Were they playing cricket?" Anna responded with, "Yes, they're playing the sport of their conquerors. You have no idea how hard that was for me to hold that in." I love that girl.
    • Annie and Lauren may have cured my ulcer with their videos. I love them too.

    Sunday, July 24, 2011

    Is Patience Still Waiting?

    • I'm an incredibly impatient being. Meh. (I think Anna might know the exact noise I'm trying to convey...we use it a lot.)
    • Several Florence and the Machine song lyrics caught me today. "You Got the Love" embodies my thoughts most completely:

    Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air
    I know I can count on you
    Sometimes I feel like saying "Lord I just don't care"
    But you've got the love I need

    To see me through

    Sometimes it seems that the going is just too rough
    And things go wrong no matter what I do
    Now and then it seems that life is just too much
    But you've got the love I need to see me through

    When food is gone you are my daily need
    When friends are gone I know my savior's love is real
    You know it's real

    You got the love (x6)

    Time after time I think "Oh Lord what's the use?"
    Time after time I think it's just no good
    Sooner or later in life, the things you love you lose
    But you've got the love I need to see me through

    You got the love (x12)

    Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air
    I know I can count on you
    Sometimes I feel like saying "Lord I just don't care"
    But you've got the love I need to see me through

      Hoping and Waiting (July 23)

      • I applied for several jobs in Oakland County. Here's to hoping I get a call. On a slightly different note, applying for teaching jobs makes me feel more competent and less fearful of the future. I'm sure that will change once I don't get calls back from places I really think I should get a job, but for now, it's good to feel like I am capable.
      • I saw a huge batch of yellow day lillies on Oakland Dr.
      • The hangout today was Charlie's and that made for a great day. Power Rangers (my first experience!), cookies (thanks to Krystle), Jimmy John's, Menna's, BKC promo videos, talking, swimming, FRIENDS. Life is good.
      • Justin referred to him, me and Krystle as "The Brooklyn Gang" or something when we went to Meijer. It was silly but also very funny. I love how much I laugh when I'm with Justin, Charlie, Jason and Phil (and Ryan, but he wasn't there).

      Saturday, July 23, 2011

      Inevitable Consequence of Progress (July 22)

      • I watched a new movie today! Granted it was the sequel to one of my favorites (it was Iron Man 2), but still I watched a movie I hadn't seen before. Progress :)
      • Applied for a 3rd grade teaching position in Stevensville and also a position at the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum. I know it's a little presumptuous to feel like they'll call me, but I really hope one of them does.
      • My sister and I hung out this evening, talking about IKEA and watching the last bit of National Treasure. Progress :)

      Friday, July 22, 2011

      Hot Summer Day (July 21)

      • Krystle and I went swimming to cool off today. We were properly prepared with sunscreen and hydration, so it was fun. I was NOT prepared for trying to point out to Barbara where our stuff was and seeing a kid drying himself off with my towel! It was funny though
      • Pizza sandwiches with Barbara's family. Ruth Evelyn and Carlee/Krystle's grandma should be friends.
      • Krystle and I whipped out a couple of job apps/cover letters around midnight. It was awesome.

      Why Do I Need A Job (July 20)

      • Spent most of the day applying for jobs and freaking out about Kansas.
      • Hung out with my kitties, my brothers, my mom and (!) my sister, trying to stay cool while watching SYTYCD.

      Tuesday, July 19, 2011

      Kansas City Blues

      • Surprise! Today, I had a Skype interview with the principal of South Middle School in Liberal, Kansas. The interview went pretty well, except for the miscommunication about which time zone we were referencing when we agreed on a 3:00 p.m. call. Before and after the interview, I was flooded with emotion though. Mostly because I have been rolling with the idea that I'd be in Michigan, either in Kzoo or Ypsi/AA/Farmington, for the next year. I've been looking at apartments, figuring out solutions to working and doing Farmington, etc. and this just totally caught me off guard. I need to spend some good time with God in the next few days figuring out what I should do. But I'm thinking not right this second...I'm going to get back in my shorts and tank top and either read HP7 or watch a movie I don't have to think about.

      Ode to Harry Potter (July 18)

      • Went to see HP7.2 with lots of friends tonight. I enjoyed it and, despite an extra-dramatic fight scene between Voldy and HP, thought it stayed quite close to the book. The music was powerful and the effects were great as well.
      • Hung out at Charlie's and made a fantastic video for Rachel's birthday. Quote from Liz from Rachel regarding said video: "Thank you for doing that video. I love that video because it's so cute. I love Emily and Carlee and Krystle and Brophy. I love Charlie too because I love him and love him."
      • I'm watching The Social Network and it reminded me that I finished Accidental Billionaires at camp...I enjoyed the story but the author seems like he'd be better suited writing fiction. He wrote with very descriptive and rich language but a majority of his chapters/paragraphs/sections began with "We can imagine that..." or "Eduardo may have thought that...". It seemed strange for a non-fiction book to do that - although most of what I read IS children's and YA fiction.
      • I'm also in the basement, which is nice and cool...but currently crawling with centipede-like creatures. I would kind of rather be back with the chipmunk and mouse that I shared a room with at LL.

      Sunday, July 17, 2011

      Mhmm I'd Like to Linger

      Well, the plan was to post every day, even from camp, but the internet there was not having it. However, I think it suffices to say that all of Lake Louise is a big adventure, every year. I'm so blessed to still have the opportunity to go.

      • I love watching and being a part of the learning that takes place and the community that forms. We (the staff) didn't necessarily do everything right this week, but there was learning and everyone was very well-supported. My prayer is that the campers are able to start and retain relationships that will do the same for them.
      • I love being there with my family. I would put family in quotes but that would indicate that they aren't really my family and that's just not true.
      • I love that they have time for me and are interested in my life, even with sleep deprivation and their own things to deal with.
      • Most things are totally up in the air for me right now and I'm struggling with a lot of decisions. So it is very reassuring that the one decision I am actually making is totally supported by everyone.
      • I love that I will be seeing many of my people in the next week - that goodbye today wasn't really goodbye.
      • I love Robert and Rachel and being able to care for them.
      • I love Katie (and Carlee) for Thursday's devo, because it is helping me change the way I think about prayer. Next, I need to work on listening.
      • I really enjoyed the program staff work I did this week. It was nice to do the little things that Liz and Sara or others couldn't, and know that it was helping things go smoothly.
      • Gladwin before camp and Traverse City after are quickly becoming some of my favorite parts of going to Lake Louise.
      • I love that Ted drank a whole cup of Mystery Machine. Also, I love the name "Mystery Machine."

      Wednesday, July 13, 2011

      Lord of the Dance (July 12)

      • Yesterday's big highlight was that Robert fell asleep while we were swinging and proceeded to take a nap on me while we sat in a chair outside of Linda's tent. It was very cute.
      • Sockhop tonight was super fun :D
      • I was able to go to Firebowl tonight. There were a lot of personal stories shared and I can only react with saying that I am very blessed with the "trials" I have in my life. Most of the time, they are nothing compared to what other people (including many who are younger than me) are burdened with. (It makes me sad that high schoolers/middle schoolers have to go through so much crap.)
      • I am very grateful for my camp family. There are several people outside of this group who I am glad that I have in my life. But my camp family is indescribably amazing. They are always there for me and they care about my life. They want to help me figure stuff out and they love me a lot. I hope I can do that for them. I appreciate them so much more than I can say.

      Sunday, July 10, 2011

      Step by Step

      • Robert only cried (like really cried) once or twice for “Mama” and “Daddy” today. He asked for them like a million times but is warming up to the idea that when they aren’t around him they are “working”. This is a fabulous indicator for the week.
      • I was secretly/selfishly a little excited when Robert wanted me instead of his grandparents when they first came up to him. He, of course, warmed up to them pretty quickly but it was nice to feel like the one he really wanted, even for a minute.
      • I really wish I had brought some movies with me. I am finding relatively large pockets of time where I don't have to be watching the kids (particularly at night, since my monitor won't allow me to get down to Firebowl :/) and I really want to watch The Social Network because I'm currently reading Accidental Billionaires. Oh well.
      • Partly because of this lack of movies, I’m finding a lot of time to think here – which seems about right compared with past nannying years. However, time to think by myself is more overwhelming this year because I have actual things to worry about. I’m also over-analyzing different things in my head. And although I love that I am here at camp with almost all of my very best friends, they are being counselors and support staff this week...I can’t ask them to be there for me to complain to when they are doing more important, good work in this place. So I’m left to stew. And Emily’s Thoughts Stew is usually not very fulfilling.

      Saturday, July 9, 2011

      Fill My Cup

      • Amazing, relaxing morning. Everyone woke up with the children – between 6:30 and 7, I think. I, however, was very tired and managed to “sleep in” until 9 (as I was waking up, I believe I heard someone refer to me as a “rock star” because of my ability to sleep through the noise of 15 conversing adults and 4 playing children, in a small open cottage). Andrew and Jen made us breakfast of pancakes, fruit and sausage. I played with Ella and Katelyn, intermittently joining in conversations with different groups of people. I held/rocked Katelyn for a while. It was the perfect summer morning even though it was only for a few hours.
      • We are now at camp! It’s great to be here with everyone. I’m looking forward to finding some peace, guidance and release this week. Rachel asked me tonight “Why do we go to camp?” and I wasn’t sure how to answer at first. I feel like that should one of the few things I am sure about right now.
      • I need to remember the following things:
        • Krystle’s Jeremiah verse
        • To attempt to accept change
        • How much I love my camp family and that they love me in return

      Packing Up, Getting Ready to Go (July 8)

      • Krystle did a great job packing – it doesn’t really matter that we had to child-lock the doors…and I accidentally child-locked Carlee in the car – so we successfully fit 3 people’s things for Lake Louise into the Saturn Ion…at least until we got to Lansing :) Then Carlee rode with Liz and everyone was much more comfortable.
      • As per new tradition, we spent the evening at the Eisheids' cabin. It was an amazing night and it was so much fun re-meeting Ella and Katelyn. They’ve grown so much and their personalities are becoming so apparent.
      • I drove Liz’s big Chevy Traverse to get pizza. It was big.
      • I know I was only in NYC for a few days, but being there and actually seeing the city and the buildings made me fall in love with it again. I’m definitely still determined to live there someday and hopefully soon. Even though I was there just a short time, it has been interesting coming back to Michigan; perceptions are sometimes so easily changed.

      Friday, July 8, 2011

      And Then - Construction Time Again (July 7)

      • Final Leg (Cleveland -> Ypsi -> Kzoo) of Getting Krystle was finished (lots of construction...boo). She is so glad to be home.
      • I got new flip-flops at Payless for only $2! They aren't super-practical but they are so cute.
      • I remembered a really good small adventure that I had today while I was driving but I now I forgot what it was :(
      • 1 more Big Sleep til Lake Louise!!! (Turning into a Small Sleep really quickly though...)

      Woman Driving, Man Sleeping* (July 6)

      *This was not the case the whole time...
      • Packing was a fun puzzle (Krystle had a little more stuff left than estimated). Good thing I like doing it :) There was even a relatively roomy space in the back for whoever was sitting there.
      • Before we left, Dave thanked me for being a great friend to Krystle :)
      • Leg #3 (NYC -> Cleveland) went well, with just a few detours. We ended up taking the wrong highway out of New Jersey, but it turned out okay. The new route was prettier and less hilly, with more places to stop, and we got to go through mountains (via tunnel)! I complained that it was a lot longer - but Justin was right, it was only an hour out of the way.
      • Krystle and I got rubber-tasting mochas from McDonald's in PA. It was weird. I returned mine and got another that tasted like rubber. Ew. I just threw it out.
      • Justin learned that requesting coconut shavings and chocolate sauce on his coconut frappuccino from a travel plaza Starbucks is really just too much to ask for.
      • Just to make sure that our trip would be complete, Team Brophy made sure we got lost on the way to Champp's. But they figured it out and we had really yummy food and a fantastic waiter. Plus we got to tell Jason about our NYC adventures and hear about how he bought a magazine subscription from a druggie.
      • I watched my first Star Trek episode with Justin.

      Wednesday, July 6, 2011

      Dinner at Eight (July 5)

      • After Krystle's meeting we headed to Macy's, Herald Square, on 34th St. It was very cool to be in the famous Macy's :) The first floor was crazy, so Justin and I explored the 5th floor (shoes), the 8th floor (furniture and luggage), the 7th floor (wedding stuff and china), and the 6th floor (children's clothing...and McDonald's), while Krystle grabbed some stuff she'd left there. It was really fun and I liked just walking around and looking at everything. It reminded me of being in Harrod's in London (although I think Harrod's may be bigger).
      • We did a lot of walking again today (I tried not to complain too much). Strong/sore legs after this week! But the best part was walking across the Brooklyn Bridge. It was a little scary being that far above the ground/water, but it was an amazing view of both Brooklyn and Manhattan. And Krystle got to cross it off her NYC Bucket List.
      • We came back and had a late dinner with Krystle's friends Gary, Sara, Dave, Jean, and Dave's sisters (Nitasha and Kiki). They are all wonderful people and it was so fun to see the people who have impacted and supported Krystle while she was here. We had lots of yummy food (made by Dave), followed by cheesecake from Juniors' for dessert, and several rounds of Bananagrams (it goes fast when there are 9 people playing!). My favorite part was when Sara and Gary were leaving: Gary's response to me saying, "I suppose we can hug" was "Yeah, we're all from the Midwest!" (They are from Indiana/Ohio.) It was fantastic :)
      • I love this city.
      • (3 Big Sleeps until camp!)

      Tuesday, July 5, 2011

      This Time for Africa (July 4)

      • Happy 4th of July! One of my favorite sights of the day was seeing some people apply Off Deep Woods bug spray for their picnic in Fort Greene Park (which is about 1/25 the size of Central Park). Perspective is amazing :)
      • Instead of the normal fireworks/sparklers/picnic/cookout/etc., we went to the last day of the International African Arts Festival in Brooklyn. It was like a big art fair, but all the booths had African or African-themed/inspired items for sale and everyone seemed to know each other. It was also HUGE. There were at least 4 different sections that were each the size of the art fairs I'd been to before in Pentwater and Ludington. I'm not sure how many of the vendors actually made their items (so I was a little hesitant to make purchases...I wanted something "real" if I was going to get something) but there were a lot of beautiful things for sale. I bought some earrings from Kenya and a wrap dress. There were a few other dresses that I saw that I really wanted but they were $50, $75 and $150...too much :( The woman who wanted to sell me the $50 one said that I was the first one to inquire about it that day who would actually have fit in it (hehe). I'm excited to wear the one I bought, maybe even at camp...I definitely don't want it to sit in my closet, unworn, for most of its life. We saw a lot of women dressed in traditional African dress, and they looked amazing (a lot of the outfits looked like those that Carlee and Krystle brought back from Senegal, Mali and Ghana). One of the best parts about their outfits was that the women who were larger still looked fantastic, because their clothes were fitted to them, and they weren't trying to squeeze into jeans or too-tight tank tops. Another fun part of the afternoon was that a guy with a camera interviewed me about why I was here and then also asked me about my hair. He asked me what I thought about the hair styles of the women (and men) who were at the festival (weaves, braids, twists, etc.) and how they compared to mine. I honestly don't think I would have noticed the hair if he hadn't mentioned it - but then I started looking and saw the amazing styles! Beads, braids, colors, twists into shapes, styles that looked like crowns, long and short. Very cool.
      • The best part about the festival was the different perspective it gave me. We were the minority for sure (I think I saw 8 other people with light skin and I'm pretty sure they all lived in the area) but we were accepted anyway (mostly). It was nervous-making at first, to be immersed in the African culture so fully, without having had a similar experience before. But overall, I really enjoyed it and I'm really glad this is how I spent my 4th of July this year :)
      • After the festival, we came back to the house, played Bananagrams, made brownies and searched for Lake Louise Serenading songs.

      Monday, July 4, 2011

      These Boots Are Made for Walking* (July 3)

      *The flats I wore were NOT made for walking long distances or in the rain.
      • We walked A LOT today.
      • Started at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and we got in for free with Krystle's leftover passes and ability to look only 17. The museum was pretty cool and definitely worth the stop (although I'm not sure I would have felt that way if we'd had to wait in line or pay the full ticket price...I appreciate the art, but I'm a poor impatient college grad).
      • Wandered up 83rd/82nd Streets and found a yummy little pizza place for lunch.
      • Embarked on our trek of Central Park. We saw the Bethesda Fountain and a sculpture of a panther (among other things). It was a little drizzly, but that only meant that the weather was cooler and there were less people around. One of my favorite parts was when Krystle found this plaque on a bench:
      So cute!
      • Walked to Times Square...and found ALL the people. It was crazy! The Square looked awesome though, and I'm glad we went. Lots of memories for the 2006 Master Singers' trip came flooding back :)
      • Came back to the house and started a game of Monopoly, which was briefly interrupted by a search around the block for incredibly loud (though good) music coming from somewhere close...turned out to be a house party that we couldn't join :/ So we finished our game. Krystle got out pretty quickly :( But Justin declared that she would have been in way longer if he'd 1) believed me about the "If a player owns all the lots on any Color-Group, the rent is doubled on unimproved lots in that group" rule and 2) not taken his anger about me not trading with him out on her...so it's really Brophy's fault that she went bankrupt.

      Saturday, July 2, 2011

      New York State of Mind

      • We made it to NYC! Got a little turned around in Jersey City, got a little stuck in traffic in Chinatown, but we made it. And no one honked at me while I was driving! And now we are just hanging out :)
      • Justin is a "great" photographer. I deleted some of his pictures, but will post others on FB.
      • We had fun reminiscing about things we saw/did last summer...Justin was sad he missed the sign for the Tenny Town Motel. This time, we stopped at the lookout in New Jersey and it was sooo pretty!

      On the Road Again (July 1)

      • Happy July!
      • My Camry kindly reminded me that it is not cut out for a road trip to NYC (in case I was having second thoughts) by not starting/needing to be jumped this morning. Message received.
      • Leg #1 (Kzoo -> Cleveland) of Getting Krystle was accomplished. Get to see her tomorrow!

      Friday, July 1, 2011

      Gee, I Wish I Was Back in the Army (June 30)

      • Went to an army surplus store today...and ended up talking on the phone about flags and uniforms with Mike for most of the time.
      • Got 1/2 off frozen lemonades (at Long John Silver's) with Collin and Ben while Carlee got $1 subs from Jimmy John's. Food win :)
      • Cooked and ate dinner with Mandy, Katie and Carlee (and Mandy's mom, whom I like a lot). Healthy, yummy, fellowship-y. As Katie pointed out, it's wonderfully pathetic that 3 weeks seems like way too long to have been away from each other.
      • Saw a car with no hood at Wal-Mart. I don't think that's a good way to drive.