- I have loved being here this week. I love taking care of Ella and Katelyn but I also really like spending time with Jen and Andrew. I hope I can visit more often :)
- Harry Potter books on CD are so awesome. I love being in my car, even for 10 minutes, because I get to hear more. I even thought of bringing the CDs inside to listen to on my computer, but decided that I should probably just read the book, since I have it with me...
I'm not unemployed anymore - I actually have a very fabulous job as a preschool teacher with the University of Michigan child care centers. But I'm still posting, albeit a little more irregularly, and I don't want to ignore the personal progress I've made since starting this blog by renaming it.
Blog inspiration: I read 48 States in 48 Days by Paul Jury in the summer of 2011. It was fabulous...although he planned way less for his roadtrip than I would have. And at the same time, my lovely Anna was constantly reminding me that our lives were awesome, despite the fact that we didn't have job prospects, new cars, boyfriends/husbands, houses, etc., like so many people we knew. So, in an effort to appreciate my life and the crazy uncertainty that it is, I started writing this blog about the little adventures I have. (And by "writing a blog," I mean "making a list" because I make lists, not narratives.) Even if there isn't a BIG adventure that happens every day, I try to find at least one thing to list :)
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
I Love Being Here With You
The Call
- The Phone Call will now be "first thing" TOMORROW morning. This will single-handedly give me a 2nd ulcer.
Looking Down At My Reflection (August 30)
- I was so distracted about The Phone Call that I almost spit toothbrushing suds into the garbage can tonight.
- Today when I was wearing my sunglasses, Ella was saying "Hi" to her reflection! She then also did it (or tried to) when they were on top of my head and I was sitting on the floor (I got a little confused when she started talking to the top of my head). It was so cute.
- I got to see Krystle tonight! We baked cookies and primed her room for painting (transforming it from seafoam/lime green to something more relaxing and tolerable - lavender I think).
- I'm so blessed to have amazing women like Jen and Liz in my life who care about me and take care of me like my own mother, not because they have to, but just because they love me.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Freak Out
Monday, August 29, 2011
Say My Name
- The way children say my name is probably one of my favorite things ever. Rachel's "Ahmee" was fantastic and I love that I have it on video. Andre's "Elily" was a little complicated, but so cute. Robert calls me "Sis" which is fine with me. Tonight, Ella and Katelyn were both saying Emily (in a slightly varied way), even though I'd only been at their house for a few hours. Adorable.
- Jen and Andrew's house is so cute! It looks small but there is just enough space for them and every room has the cutest features.
- Andrew totally gets my watching the same movies over and over again! SOO exciting! Everyone I know (besides Anna and PP) makes fun of me for it or of how few movies I've seen (although R.J. has been good about being proud of me for trying some new ones this summer).
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Away With the Summer Days
- Yesterday went like this: sleep in, Prelude to a Kiss (strange movie; kind of good), sudoku, nap, Our Idiot Brother, dinner, sudoku, Rio, bed early.
- Today went like this: PCHUM with friends, lunch with Phil and Kristin, shopping with my mom, sudoku, Eat Pray Love.
- Worry-free days are nice :)
Saturday, August 27, 2011
That Going Away Look
- Sara and RJ's going away party was wonderful. They are both fabulous. Now that I know so many fabulous people in Denver, I will need to be there as often as possible.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Song For A Friend
- Had my interview/"conversation" today. It was short but went well :) There are only a few candidates so it's definitely a possibility that I'll get it, but I won't find out until Wednesday morning. Basically, I'm going to take a break from planning and worrying until then; so much will change if I get it and there's still lots to figure out if I don't, but I can't go either route until I get a phone call from the principal. This means I'm going to get like 5 days of ACTUAL summer. No worrying, no stress. It'll be great.
- I wish all of The Holiday was the Jack Black/Kate Winslet storyline. I love it so much. I love the relationship she forms with Arthur and his friends. I love that her and Jack Black's relationship starts as a totally platonic one. I love that he tells her she's beautiful even before they are officially together; it's not a creepy thing, it's a genuine spontaneous compliment. I love that she lives in England. I love the scene where she breaks everything off with Jasper (fantastic girl power - love the word "gumption"). Plus, I definitely think Kate Winslet is a better actress than Cameron Diaz.
Not the Doctor (August 25)
- I got a call from the principal at Amberly Elementary (in Portage) and have a job interview set up for tomorrow! It's crazy. I think I'm excited. I know I'm frustrated that I had a plan and it might not be what happens now. Oh well. I'm going to the interview. Worry about other things later.
- Took my car to the doctor today and it needs a new alternator. HOWEVER, the best part about today (including the getting the interview) was that my car reached 200,000 miles!!! It was very exciting.
- Cara and I saw a fender bender happen today. It was crazy and we just kept remarking about how dumb the car that caused the accident was.
- Tonight was our first football game/performance. The girls (and the band) did a great job. I always expect them to get everything right (it's perfect in my brain, why isn't it perfect in real life?) so it's disappointing when it's not completely together and right. But that is an unrealistic expectation. They truly have shown an amazing amount of growth and learning this summer and I'm very proud of them. :) Also, I love them a lot. (I also love the band kids too.) It was a little bit sad tonight because I had this feeling that the season was already over. I know that's not true but I think that the recent developments in job prospects made me feel like it could be over (for me) at any time. I don't like that. I did like the drive home tonight though; there were other cars on the highway but no jams and few stupid people.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Nothing's Happening By The Sea
- Honestly, not much has happened today (not anything out of the ordinary at least). Practice (it was hot!), learning the Closer work :), enjoying being with the Farmington kids, lots of driving :/, staying at Cara's.
- Exciting things will be happening tomorrow though. Wait and see.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Hold On To Your Hat
- Google+ party where hats were required to participate in the conversation. 'Nuff said.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Drink of Choice
- I ordered a Medium Iced Caramel Mocha at McDonald's today and received a Large Iced Mocha. Win some, lose some.
- Anna helped me write more guard work this afternoon. As such, I didn't spend the evening putting it off and I won't spend tomorrow morning wishing I'd done it last night. Sometimes we actually help each other (instead of feeding each other's procrastinitory habits).
- I had an interview at Tutor Time in Canton today. It went well and it seems like a good place to work. I enjoyed the people I saw/talked to and the location. Now, I have to wait to see what happens. Then, I have to make decisions - i.e. day care vs. subbing.
- Day care: fun, less stressful, consistent, less money, less flexible, more driving/miles on the car/commute time, will miss long-term sub opportunities and subbing in Dexter.
- Subbing: not always fun, often stressful, more money, more flexible, potentially less driving/miles on the car/commute time, possibility of getting a long-term job that will be more fun and relevant to getting a teaching job.
- Enjoyed time at Cara's with Cara (her family) and Carrie :)
Mushroom Clouds (August 21)
- Collin and Ben and I found these giant mushrooms on the playground near our house last night. We went back today to take pictures. They were so cool! They were big, squishy, and soft (job well done to anyone who read that sentence without making it dirty). The scientist in me thought it was really awesome.
- Both Brad Fernandidaz and Elise told me last week that they really liked the choreography and flag work during a certain part in the opener. It made me feel really great and I love that band people are noticing guard things.
- Overall, last week was a fantastic week. One of my favorite parts was being at campfire, because each of the guard seniors (and one band senior) mentioned/thanked me, and in very non-generic ways. I don't remember specifics but their speeches were all great and I appreciate so much that they appreciate, admire and love me.
- Another favorite part of last week was our female staff. It was a little different than other years - though every year is really quite different - but we worked well together. And hopefully balanced all the crazy boys.
- Along with Lindsay telling me at least 3 times that she would miss me in the 3 days we wouldn't see each other, Patrick and Henry gave me hugs before I left. I love that the drummers not only put up with me hanging around them, they actually like me. They are a good break from my crazy girls. Then I go back to my girls when I'm over the masculinity of the drumline. It's a nice system I have figured out.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Vegetarian Mumbo Jumbo
- More awesome rehearsing today :) I'm excited for the girls (and everyone) to keep getting better this week. But it's only Tuesday and we already know 3 numbers!
- Anna and I were goofing around with the rifle today...I REALLY wish I could learn it for real.
- Orlando is going to help me find flag sets to borrow for the season. I love having connections and amazing people who help.
- Anna had a yummy-looking veggie option at dinner...and then we realized it was stir fry made with this morning's eggs and yesterday's peas...I wasn't jealous after that.
- Maya pulled out some sassiness today and it was so funny and unexpected! Can't wait for her to come out of her shell more this week :)
- Dave (Burgess) is amazing. There was a washer stuck in a pole cap so I asked if he had a pocketknife to get it out. He said no but then he took it, threw it on the ground and it popped out! It was so cool. I asked him how he did it and he was like, "Don't worry about it, I'm an engineer." It was awesome.
& One For The Band (Aug 15)
- BAND CAMP!!! I'm so excited. I love this time of the season and being at Pendalouan. I love seeing Deshaun and Whitney, having time with Anna (she can read my mind, calm me down, explain my ginger-ness, give me hugs, etc. etc.), being with my girls and doing band stuff in general. Love love love. (I dislike missing Dawn and PP though.)
- My girls are amazing. They rehearsed so well today and I can't wait for more this week. Leah is a beast. Abby is such a trooper. Candice has the cutest amount of sassiness. Linnea tries so hard and is picking up lots of things quickly. Jackie had a lot of big smiles happening tonight. Maya is really cute when she screams as she tosses her flag (that will go away). Lucy is so independent and getting better every day. Kaitlin is picking everything up really well, I forget she wasn't with us before this year. Lindsey is crazy and I love when I say something, she says "Wait, what?" and then says "Oh nevermind, I gotcha!" Sara is a fantastic performer and rehearser; I love letting her just dance around. Kristina reminds me of me, in all the good ways. Halley is so reliable and consistent. Bridget is still a little afraid of her flag but a great rehearsal role model. Kayla is so helpful and amazing at guard work. I love them.
- I might learn to drink black coffee this week...
Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) (Aug 13)
- Woke up at 8:30 (after going to bed at 4:30) and packed and moved stuff for 6 more hours. My dad is awesome. He moved most of my heavy things, let me have breaks (even if I didn't need them) and didn't complain/was really positive all day. He even unloaded most of it back in Kzoo, because I arrived after him.
- Stopped at Wesley Woods to get my Starbucks mug, en route back to Kzoo. On my way there, a huge storm passed over and I just kept thinking that a coffee mug is a really stupid reason to die in a giant thunderstorm. (It didn't end up being that bad.)
- It was weird to be at WW without going for camp. And since I was just there last week, it was definitely a deja vu moment. But it was fun to see Mitch and Jon. I love the people I know through camp. Ken even found me before I left to see if I'd found my mug.
- Learned that boys are not necessarily very good at code-talking, especially when the girls they are sitting next to know exactly what they are talking about.
- Jason took me to dinner at Fandango and one of the thing we ordered was (get this) rabbit and rattlesnake sausage! It tasted okay, but my brain just kept thinking, "WHAT ARE YOU PUTTING IN YOUR MOUTH?" We got ice cream afterwards.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Packing Blankets
- Packing...so much packing. I didn't know I had this much stuff? Also, it looks like I haven't done anything because it was all put away nicely in my apartment.
- Movie checklist of the day/night: Tangled, Princess Diaries, Princess Diaries, Center Stage, Grey's, The Holiday. Might pop in one more before I fall asleep.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Time to End the Story
- I ate a peach today and the pit was kind of beautiful:
- Finished He's Just Not That Into You. I recommend it to every woman. I really liked it.
Tonight is my last in Ypsilanti and I kind of can't believe it. There are a lot of things I didn't do while I was here that I should have. But there are also a lot of great things I discovered about this place. List of things I love about Ypsi:
- Dom's.
- The inspiring thoughts on the sign for that chiropractor on Washtenaw.
- The old Tower Inn.
- How every time we have a cool, sunny summer morning - the kind where you can tell it's going to be hot later - I am reminded of guard weekends.
- People who live here and really love it (like Trudy and Carter).
- The houses in the "March-a-thon" neighborhoods.
- That I left my rug on my porch to dry today and nothing happened to it.
- The library. Movies for free and that are mine for 2 weeks at a time. Book sales and old ladies who give me free books. The buildings themselves.
- The green grass on campus.
- Rynearson stadium. All the drama of guard hadn't started during band camp rehearsals there and kind of just left on game days...so the stadium is filled with pretty much only good memories.
- How Pray-Harrold reminds me of muffins and classes (mostly math). I liked the old one, and wonder what the new one will be like.
- The practice field.
- Meijer. Goodness, do I love Meijer.
- The giant house on River St. that I pass every time I drive to Farmington.
- How close we are to Ann Arbor.
- The lightpole EMU banners on Huron St. and Washtenaw.
Change Is Gonna Come (Aug 11)
- Finished teaching my girls the opener today! They like the work a lot and I think it will look good on the field :) Also, I put in a super cute arm thing at the end of the 2nd number, which I love.
- I left my dumb computer at the school and didn't realize it until I got to my apartment. GAH!!! I need to stop doing this! I drove back and got it. It was really frustrating and I think I was in the car for 2.5 hours instead of 40 min...but I did get gas, vinegar for my coffee maker and a jamocha shake.
- I'm frustrated about not being able to find someone to help/replace me at Farmington. I don't want to leave my girls with just anyone.
- I wish I had lots and lots of money to buy flags.
- Today was the last time that I drove from the apartment to Farmington. It was a lot sadder than I would have expected.
- I'm tired of change.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Wife 4 Life
- I got to see my WIFE 2 days in a row. She is very helpful with writing guard work and supplying me with disposable paper products.
- My legs got sunburned today :( But just select spots. So they hurt all over AND look ridiculous.
- Made brownies mmmm.
- Talked to Katie Fahey for like 1.5 hours. We ranted about several things, including, babies/children, boys, Ken Brown and crazy people at the library. It was fantastic.
- My guard girls keep saying that the work I'm teaching them is fun and makes them feel pretty. I like that.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
The Grasshopper Unit
- I learned that grasshoppers can fly. They are also kind of big. I don't like bugs.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Spasmodic Mood
- Not a great mood today. I wish I could be with my camp family. I need a week to recover and rest up before band camp...too bad that won't happen.
- First sunburn of the summer today. Oops.
- The Bachelor Pad is stupid.
Give Up the Funk (August 7)
- Yummy brunch with my mom and brothers.
- Saw Crazy Stupid Love with Jason, Justin, Phil and Kristin. I cried 3 times throughout it and also after we left the theater. It was a great movie but the main storyline just hit too close to home for my emotions to stay in check. I haven't decided if this will make me watch it over and over or never see it again.
- Had sushi for the first time. It was pretty good.
- I left my apartment keys in Kalamazoo, and did not realize it until I was standing in front of the door to my apartment. "Sometimes I feel like throwin' my hands up in the air..."
Sunday, August 7, 2011
[This title is dedicated to Carlee] You Raise Me Up (August 6)
- Josh Groban concert! It was fantastic. More than I liked him singing (I can hear him do that on the albums) was watching his musicians. They are practically dancers, the way they move with their instruments, and it's amazing. I especially loved the string players and the percussionist. Also, Josh Groban is HILARIOUS. I love hearing him talk. Memorable quotes from the evening:
- "You guys paid a lot of money to be here, the least I can do is sing my ass off for you. Well, a slice of it. I have to save some of it for the rest of the tour."
- "May your Prince Charming ride in on a golden jabberwocky."
- "May you drink milk for as long as possible. I never woke up on the floor naked from milk..."
- Another great thing about the concert is that Carlee and Krystle and I actually were together and having an awesome celebration for Friendiversary! Lots of times Carlee is in Mali or we are at camp and can't really celebrate. It was fun to be at the concert because we didn't care what people thought of us, so we were talking about whatever and dressed in comfy clothes and talking to people around us. I don't know about them, but I don't often do that...it was nice to let go.
- Downtown Grand Rapids is a really nice little city setting.
- I think being a sound engineer or a lighting designer would be awesome. I don't know if I'd be good at either of those, but they are definitely on my list of very cool jobs.
- This weekend has been a great celebration weekend - our Friendiversary, Phil and RJ's Friendiversary, Phil and Kristin's anniversary, Linus' birthday - and I love it :) (Now if only Carlee weren't en route to FL for an undisclosed amount of time :( )
Your Sweet and Smiling Eyes (August 5)
- I have never really been one of those people who was captured by people's eyes or super-attracted to a guy because of his eyes. I think it's because I had never seen anyone with really striking eyes...I now know why people say that they can be attracted to someone because of their amazing eyes. I noticed this week that some of the counselors and several of the campers, had really blue eyes or deep brown eyes. Definitely not saying that I am attracted to any of them - especially the campers - but I can understand why nice eyes is a good feature now.
Friday, August 5, 2011
You've Got a Friend in Me (August 4)
- Today was Friendiversary! Carlee and Krystle came to camp to celebrate! It was awesome (even if we did get scolded by Jorge for not paying attention to our campers...but it was dinner and there were other people visiting too). Lots of people were excited that they were here and there were also lots of cheers when I announced about Friendiversary at breakfast, which I thought was really cute. After hearing, at Lake Louise, that Bennett and Greg had distinct memories of us talking about Friendiversary, I realized that the campers really like the concept :) The counselors are into it too - Stephanie and Kaity always mention it and everybody gets excited about it. This is why I love my camp family.
- I had a great realization about boys today (and kind of yesterday). Thanks to my Extreme Girls and Greg Behrendt for that.
- I can't get over how great our staff is this year. I love spending so much time with people I don't get to see that often (Rachel, Nate, Lisa) or people I've never really met before (Evan).
- I'm very grateful to God for the way this week turned out. I was so apprehensive before and now I'm just thankful.
- I'm also grateful for our water supply. Evening activities have been so fun and refreshing because we are able to draw water from many places whenever we want...it's amazing that lots of people can't do that.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Remember When It Rained
- Today and yesterday have been fabulously successful, as far as evening activities goes. So many people (on staff) have given me genuine compliments about my organization and the concepts of the games. Plus, the kids have said they really like them.
- Hands-down, the best part of this week has been our staff. The kids are great but everyone on our staff is amazing. Also, I love hanging out with people on the permanent staff (i.e. Jon).
- Lame part about today: I left my windows down on my car while it rained tonight...oops.