I'm not unemployed anymore - I actually have a very fabulous job as a preschool teacher with the University of Michigan child care centers. But I'm still posting, albeit a little more irregularly, and I don't want to ignore the personal progress I've made since starting this blog by renaming it.

Blog inspiration: I read 48 States in 48 Days by Paul Jury in the summer of 2011. It was fabulous...although he planned way less for his roadtrip than I would have. And at the same time, my lovely Anna was constantly reminding me that our lives were awesome, despite the fact that we didn't have job prospects, new cars, boyfriends/husbands, houses, etc., like so many people we knew. So, in an effort to appreciate my life and the crazy uncertainty that it is, I started writing this blog about the little adventures I have. (And by "writing a blog," I mean "making a list" because I make lists, not narratives.) Even if there isn't a BIG adventure that happens every day, I try to find at least one thing to list :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I Poured My Heart Into A Song (Nov 12)

  • Krystle and I hung out with the Eischeids today. It was so fun. My favorite part about visiting them is that I/we equally play with the kids and talk with Jen and Andrew. It's not we come just to see Ella and Katelyn.
  • Breaking into random bursts of song is so much fun. Jen sang a song about poop at the top of her lungs as she was changing Katelyn's diaper and then didn't even remember she did it! On my way home, I passed through construction and was very frustrated, so made up a song to the tune of Avenue Q's "Fantasies Come True" (which is what I was listening to at the time) and felt way better.
  • I'm so grateful for the amazing people who are part of my life. Krystle and I were talking about it on the ride home, and we are incredibly blessed to be surrounded by some many fantastic friends-who-are-family.

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