I'm not unemployed anymore - I actually have a very fabulous job as a preschool teacher with the University of Michigan child care centers. But I'm still posting, albeit a little more irregularly, and I don't want to ignore the personal progress I've made since starting this blog by renaming it.

Blog inspiration: I read 48 States in 48 Days by Paul Jury in the summer of 2011. It was fabulous...although he planned way less for his roadtrip than I would have. And at the same time, my lovely Anna was constantly reminding me that our lives were awesome, despite the fact that we didn't have job prospects, new cars, boyfriends/husbands, houses, etc., like so many people we knew. So, in an effort to appreciate my life and the crazy uncertainty that it is, I started writing this blog about the little adventures I have. (And by "writing a blog," I mean "making a list" because I make lists, not narratives.) Even if there isn't a BIG adventure that happens every day, I try to find at least one thing to list :)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

End Summary

I know, I know...no posts in a few weeks. Keeping a blog is hard without regular internet access! How rude. Hopefully that problem will get fixed soon. Amongst the new job, Farmington drama and fun of all sorts, getting gas, sewing, figuring out internet, and loving NPR, here are some highlights from September:

  • I love Michigan sunsets. I usually end up driving home from Farmington (going west) around sunset time on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and sometimes Saturdays. This means that if it's clear - or even a little cloudy - I get to see fabulous sunsets more than I don't. They are miraculously pink, orange, yellow, purple and blue and they always remind me of my favorite Firebowl song, "Have You Seen?" They are even better when there are "clouds suspended like feathers". Sunsets (and sunrises) in Korea were fabulous too, though I couldn't seem to see them for as long, because of the mountains. Plus they came earlier because I lived on the east side of the country.
  • I'm very thankful for my Dad helping me figure out all this grown-up stuff.
  • I love the family I have with Krystle and the Eischeids. Jen and Andrew make us food, house us, call the spare bedroom “your bedroom”, send us home with food, trust us with Ella and Katie, and are just always there for us. I love it and am so very grateful that they have become such a big part of my life.
  • Anna came to visit last week! The main purpose was to work on the sleeves we are making for guard but the other purpose was to visit. We had Jimmy John's, Dom's donuts, Biggby and Dairy Store ice cream; had visitors in the form of Kim, Kyndra and Halley, who also served the purpose of helping us keep Chloe off of Anna and out of the 35 yards of black China silk; watched TangledPrincess Diaries and Peter Pan; made considerable progress on the sleeves; stayed up til 1:45 am, which neither of us have done in quite some time (I'm going to pin that on the project deadline, the coffee and the fact that we were just excited to be together); and slept our normal way - sharing a double bed. We talked about lots of things and it was a wonderful night. I miss having people to come home to. And having Anna be one of them. Also, she left me sticky notes all over my apartment. I loved it! And it reminded me of those that PP left before she went to England - some of which I still have in my DVD collection and sewing stuff :)
  • I did get to talk to PP a few times last week, which was nice. I definitely miss living with her too, because she has the best reactions to things I need to talk about - we have a very similar thought process. It stinks that we are both living alone in apartments, simply because we are too far away to share. (I feel similarly about Katie, Carrie, Krystle, and Carlee too.)
  • It's nice that I get to see Cara all the time (when I go steal her internet and a little food) though. Yay for some people still being close by :)
  • I received a compliment from one of the teaching teams I worked with this past week. I was filling in for a teacher who was sick (finally - actually subbing for someone, instead of feeling extra and in the way) and, when I went to ask if there was anything I needed to do during nap, they said no and followed it up with telling me that I was amazing and proactive and they loved having me in their room. Yay! I definitely needed that. The day after that, I went in their room because I was extra. When I was called out to fill in somewhere else, I told them and they said, "We heard! [frown face]" It was cute and I'm glad some of the teachers are finally able to see how I work.
  • First band competition yesterday! It was fun and we managed to only get rained on for about 10 minutes! Woo. The girls were nervous but ended up doing okay. And the band scored such that they got first place! It was so exciting for them. It was a scholastic competition (like the ones I did at Mattawan) so the scoring and competing bands were different than in MCBA. But it was a good ego boost for them and I'm hoping it will inspire more effort for the rest of the season. Now for writing more work for them...
  • My cat likes peppers. And ate half of my cereal when I left it unattended this morning. She is so weird.
  • I went to FUMC Ann Arbor and Wesley lunch today again. Yay! It was nice to see the new friends I met a couple weeks ago and meet other people. Plus, free food. And I love that church building. And singing in service. And I found out my bus comes right here! (YAY for accidentally getting an apartment on a bus line that goes to work AND church!) And one of the verses really stood out to me: James 2:18 "Show me your faith apart from your works and I by my works will show you my faith." It was a great morning/afternoon and I'm excited to come back next time :)
  • I want to go visit Korea. I miss things there a lot. I'm trying hard to see if I can save money and go visit soon...I hope it works out!
  • I still miss my blankie :(

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