I'm not unemployed anymore - I actually have a very fabulous job as a preschool teacher with the University of Michigan child care centers. But I'm still posting, albeit a little more irregularly, and I don't want to ignore the personal progress I've made since starting this blog by renaming it.

Blog inspiration: I read 48 States in 48 Days by Paul Jury in the summer of 2011. It was fabulous...although he planned way less for his roadtrip than I would have. And at the same time, my lovely Anna was constantly reminding me that our lives were awesome, despite the fact that we didn't have job prospects, new cars, boyfriends/husbands, houses, etc., like so many people we knew. So, in an effort to appreciate my life and the crazy uncertainty that it is, I started writing this blog about the little adventures I have. (And by "writing a blog," I mean "making a list" because I make lists, not narratives.) Even if there isn't a BIG adventure that happens every day, I try to find at least one thing to list :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Zen Approach

  • I think yesterday purged me somehow. Today I felt relatively zen about everything, even though there is still plenty to be frustrated about. But I did lots of good things today.
  • I have made and am adding to a Korea To-Do list. It's posted near my door and will help me accomplish some things that I want to do here before I leave. It's actually a pretty lame list, but they are things I want/need to do and if I can cross them off, that would be cool.
  • Dad and Barbara's package came in the mail today! Wasn't planning on seeing that thing for at least 3 weeks. They sent it on FRIDAY. Which means, considering the time difference, it arrived in 5 days, including the weekend. Wow.
  • I baked Lemon Cake, Part 2. It still didn't turn out right :( I commented on the blog post that I got the recipe from, so hopefully the blogger will get back to me about ways to make it better. Or I might start playing with the recipe myself.
  • I decorated my living room/bedroom with the cards I have received:

Encouragement and adorability :)

  • I learned that you need a hammer, not a mallet, to hammer nails.

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